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The Joomla! Project

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The Joomla Project consists of all of the people who make and support the Joomla Web Platform and Content Management System.

Our mission is to provide a flexible platform for digital publishing and collaboration.

The core values are:

  • Freedom
  • Equality
  • Trust
  • Community
  • Collaboration
  • Usability

In our vision, we see:

  • People publishing and collaborating in their communities and around the world
  • Software that is free, secure, and high-quality
  • A community that is enjoyable and rewarding to participate in
  • People around the world using their preferred languages
  • A project that acts autonomously
  • A project that is socially responsible
  • A project dedicated to maintaining the trust of its users

There are millions of users around the world and thousands of people who contribute to the Joomla Project. They work in three main groups: the Production Working Group, responsible for everything that goes into software and documentation; the Community Working Group, responsible for creating a nurturing the community; and Open Source Matters, the non profit organization responsible for managing legal, financial and organizational issues.

Joomla is a free and open source project, which uses the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.

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